Born in Washington, DC of British diplomatic parents and a U.S. citizen since 2002, Virginia Lloyd-Davies and her husband Dennis DiVito moved from Scotland to Rockbridge County, VA, USA in 1986.
A sumi-e and Chinese brush artist since 1976, she has paintings in collections in the USA, China, Britain, Europe, Japan, Australia and Mexico. Her teacher and mentor was Master Painter I-Hsiung Ju, with whom she traveled frequently to China and Taiwan.
She is the author and illustrator of “Mindful Artist: Sumi-e Painting” (2019) published by Walter Foster, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group, and her “Fabulous Frogs” Calendar (2023).
Her YouTube channel featuring her demonstrations and performance videos surpassed 5 million views in 2023 and her videos have been used as teaching tools all over the world.
Museums, galleries and universities have hosted demonstrations, workshops and exhibitions of her works in China, England, Scotland and the USA.
The U.S. “Art in Embassies” program and corporate art programs have acquired many of her artworks
Live Television performances and interviews in the USA, China, England and Scotland.
PBS-TV live “Joyful Brush” art improv performances with Josh Harvey on piano.
Articles for many newspapers, magazines and art journals
Her art name "Wei Jen" is the Chinese approximation in sound of “Virginia” and translates as “Nothing But Love”. Her goal is to bring joy and beauty to the world. Asian painting, she says, is “ch’i made visible through brush strokes”
A sumi-e and Chinese brush artist since 1976, she has paintings in collections in the USA, China, Britain, Europe, Japan, Australia and Mexico. Her teacher and mentor was Master Painter I-Hsiung Ju, with whom she traveled frequently to China and Taiwan.
She is the author and illustrator of “Mindful Artist: Sumi-e Painting” (2019) published by Walter Foster, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group, and her “Fabulous Frogs” Calendar (2023).
Her YouTube channel featuring her demonstrations and performance videos surpassed 5 million views in 2023 and her videos have been used as teaching tools all over the world.
Museums, galleries and universities have hosted demonstrations, workshops and exhibitions of her works in China, England, Scotland and the USA.
The U.S. “Art in Embassies” program and corporate art programs have acquired many of her artworks
Live Television performances and interviews in the USA, China, England and Scotland.
PBS-TV live “Joyful Brush” art improv performances with Josh Harvey on piano.
Articles for many newspapers, magazines and art journals
Her art name "Wei Jen" is the Chinese approximation in sound of “Virginia” and translates as “Nothing But Love”. Her goal is to bring joy and beauty to the world. Asian painting, she says, is “ch’i made visible through brush strokes”